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Chordino and NNLS Chroma




NNLS Chroma analyses a single channel of audio using frame-wise spectral input from the Vamp host. The plugin was originally developed to extract treble and bass chromagrams for subsequent use in chord extraction methods. The spectrum is transformed to a log-frequency spectrum (constant-Q) with three bins per semitone. On this representation, two processing steps are performed:

•tuning, after which each centre bin (i.e. bin 2, 5, 8, …) corresponds to a semitone, even if the tuning of the piece deviates from 440 Hz standard pitch.
•running standardisation: subtraction of the running mean, division by the running standard deviation. This has a spectral whitening effect.

The processed log-frequency spectrum is then used as an input for NNLS approximate transcription (using a dictionary of harmonic notes with geometrically decaying harmonics magnitudes). The output of the NNLS approximate transcription is semitone-spaced. To get the chroma, this semitone spectrum is multiplied (element-wise) with the desired profile (chroma or bass chroma) and then mapped to 12 bins. The resulting chroma frames can be normalised by (dividing by) their norm (L1, L2 and maximum norm available).


Detailed Description


Link to C4DM: http://c4dm.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/

For any queries email c4dm-tech@eecs.qmul.ac.uk