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Case studies - Making partner, Rupa’s story

QM Law



Making partner, Rupa’s story
Authors: Katie Thomas, Mike Mister, Rebecca Hill and Carrie Fletcher

Rupa has made partner – but now what? This case uniquely follows a female partner - Rupa - starts as a new partner in a professional service firm. The highs and lows, and the things no one had ever told her, or even hinted at! How does Rupa manage with all the new ‘inside’ information and the assumed authority and overnight high-profile visibility? The newfound authority and its impact on client relationships and others in the firm. Where should she start?


Detailed Description

The challenges of being a new partner, understanding the dynamics of the partnership, changing client relationships and redrawing boundaries with former colleagues.

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For any queries email Mohammed Uddin law-hub@qmul.ac.uk.

