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Hazardous Substance Risk Assessment (COSHH)

Hazardous Substance Risk Assessment (COSHH)



This course will introduce the skills required to carry out a hazardous substances risk assessment, in order to carry out a thorough risk assessment in line with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002, The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) and UK environmental legislation.
This course will provide attendees with the ability to identify different hazards (physical, health and environmental), the risks involved, and the appropriate health and safety control measures to put in place for safe working. The course is based on Health & Safety Executive’s ‘five steps for risk assessment’ and the COSHH ‘Hierarchy of Control’ of hazardous substances.

• Understand types of hazards (hazardous substances) and note legislation covered by this course
• Identify hazards that arise from an experimental process
• Interpret safety data sheets
• Understand how to carry out a hazardous substance risk assessment
• Identify appropriate controls for hazards to minimise risk
• Understand the hierarchy of control
• Review a hazardous substance risk assessment
• Understand hazards of, and controls for asphyxiants

Duration: 3 hours



Detailed Description

For further information please contact  [email protected]

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