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UKACM conference 2025 Sponsorship


Amount (£)


Please enter the amount you need to pay and click on the "Add to Basket" button to continue with the payment.


Detailed Description

Payment Details:

Platinum Sponsor: £2500

Gold Sponsor: £2000

Silver Sponsor: £1500

Exhibitor: £1000


The following conference events can also be sponsored: 

  • Host a high-engaging and interactive promotion session (1 available) - £1000
  • Coffee break Sponsor (3 available) - £250
  • Welcome reception Sponsor (2 available) - £300
  • Conference banquet Sponsor (4 available) - £500

Additional sponsorship opportunities:

  • Conference Lanyards:  £250
  • Conference Pens:  £250
  • Conference Mugs: £500


If you have any queries email [email protected]